Forms ===== .. currentmodule:: authtools.forms django-authtools provides several Form classes that mimic the forms in django.contrib.auth.forms, but work better with ``USERNAME_FIELD`` and ``REQUIRED_FIELDS``. These forms don't require the :class:`authtools.models.User` class in order to work, they should work with any User model that follows the :class:`User class contract `. .. class:: UserCreationForm Basically the same as django.contrib.auth, but respects ``USERNAME_FIELD`` and ``User.REQUIRED_FIELDS``. .. class:: CaseInsensitiveUsernameFieldCreationForm This is the same form as ``UserCreationForm``, but with an added method, ``clean_username`` which lowercases the username before saving. It is recommended that you use this form if you choose to use either the :class:`~authtools.backends.CaseInsensitiveUsernameFieldModelBackend` authentication backend class. .. note:: This form is also available sa CaseInsensitiveEmailUserCreationForm for backwards compatibility. .. class:: UserChangeForm A normal ModelForm that adds a ``ReadOnlyPasswordHashField`` with the :class:`BetterReadOnlyPasswordHashWidget`. .. class:: AdminUserChangeForm Same as :class:`UserChangeForm`, but adds a link to the admin change password form. .. class:: FriendlyPasswordResetForm Basically the same as :class:`django:django.contrib.auth.forms.PasswordResetForm`, but checks the email address against the database and gives a friendly error message. .. warning:: This form leaks user email addresses. Please refer to the view :func:`~authtools.views.friendly_password_reset`. It also provides a Widget class. .. class:: BetterReadOnlyPasswordHashWidget This is basically the same as django's ``ReadOnlyPasswordHashWidget``, but it provides a less intimidating user interface. Whereas django's Widget displays the password hash with it's salt, :class:`BetterReadOnlyPasswordHashWidget` simply presents a string of asterisks.